Monday, October 29, 2007

"I am Invincible!"

"That jeep can't hit me, I'm too big!" I heard this line from a fairly large woman as she was crossing a street against the caution of her companion who was warning her about the larger on-coming public utility vehicle.

Why do pedestrians think that it's always the driver who should watch out. Haven't we been taught to look both ways before crossing the street? It's a responsibility of both pedestrian and driver, for their own and other people's safety. Even if the driver pays for the pedestrian's medical expenses, it will most probably leave a debilitating mark on the pedestrian. And that can't be erased with money.

Unless, of course, the norm nowadays is a teaching that between flesh and metal, flesh wins. An idea of invincibility. "I am invincible, nothing can do me harm! Come and test me, run me over!" Wouldn't that be "cool", NOT! Next thing you know, we'll be taught that we can fly: just flap your arms, chirp like bird, and off you go. :p

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