Friday, September 28, 2007

What 'really' happened at "m and ic"...

A few blokes commented that the "m and ic" reads too long and well, nevermind. Read below as to what "really" took place...

Na'am was walking on dirt road one time, and it didn't matter what he wore. He saw a soda can on the road, and kicked it hard! It went over an area of tall grass and hit an elderly fruit picker on the head. The other fruit pickers threw mangosteens at him. Satisfied with their rage, they went back to work.

Na'am saw the mangosteens strewn over the road and thought that this shouldn't go to waste. He was an opportunistic guy after all. He got out his 'Rambo'-knife and started slicing and eating the stuff. As he was greedily devouring the mangosteens, an ice cream guy happened to come near. He sees Na'am stuffing himself and holding a BIG knife and freaks out, shouting: "Take all of it, it's yours!", and runs for dear life. Na'am looks up and wondered what that was all about but he did hear something about "it's all yours." Cool, he thinks. He walks over to the ice cream cart, and eats all he can lay his eyes on. He sees an envelope stuffed with money, and nonchalantly pockets it.

And that, folks, is what 'really' happened.

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