Sunday, May 25, 2008

Would you rather...

"Would you rather have the power to change the past or see the future?" This question was posed by a pastor one time. Some people opted for the latter while some, like myself, opted for the former. Then, he said to those of you who've chosen to change the past, "You've made a lot of mistakes in the past, haven't you?"

It's kind of true for some (or is it most) people, isn't it? Knowing what we know now and what could or might have been makes one want to go back and do things differently. Unfortunately, that is not reality. The reality is time moves forward and it always will. Tomorrows become the present, the present becomes yesterdays, and yesterdays become the past.

So, even though we don't have the power to change what has already gone past and we don't have a crystal ball to see into the future, we still have one power that we can use - choices that we make in the present. Sure, we'll still fumble some things today, but we keep moving forward, always trying to make our vision of our future a reality.

Therefore, learn from the past, envision the future that you want, and harness the present by making the best possible choices today. It's not a fool-proof plan and there will still be mistakes but, hey, that's life. Just keep moving forward.

Dreaded Questions

A friend's sister got married a while back. After that, she's been asked by friends and relatives, "When is your wedding going to be?"

When people, in both sexes, get to a certain age, they are asked this kind of question with it's usual variation of "Are you married yet?". But it doesn't stop there, it never does. After the first question, there's "Are you pregnant yet?", "Will you be having another child?", "Oh, congratulations on your baby girl, a baby boy is next, right?", "You have two wonderful children, any plans of adding one more?".

I don't know about people, maybe it's just small talk that sometimes get irritating unless you let it enter in one ear and out the other. And I know that we are guilty of these kinds of small talk, too.

Monday, December 24, 2007

This is important...

It's been a while since my last entry, but I have to share this you though, yeah, you, the one reading this.

The only gift that is of utmost importance and value that you can ever receive, if you are willing to receive it, is the gift from God through His Son, Jesus the Christ. Remember that because when all the material gifts in the world have become old and no longer hold the same value as when you first received it and have become just another pile in the junkyard, you'll be looking and wanting for new gifts.

This eternal gift from God is always available for you to receive at any time of the year, 24/7, just ask.

Merry Christmas!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

I attended the 6th MICT (Mindanao Information and Communications Technology) Congress a few days ago. As one of the segments was about to begin, the speaker wanted to have an ice-breaker, since it was still early and the attendees were still few.

The speaker wanted to have all the people present to introduce themselves and a little background. A woman started off saying, "I am ***, CEO of J-com." Then another woman says "I'm ***, CEO of ABC company." By now I was thinking, "hmmm, two CEOs." When the third woman stood up, she said "Hi, I'm *** CEO of Z-company." This time, I was, "Uh-oh, how am I gonna introduce myself?" It's a good thing after the third CEO, things started to go "downhill", there were no more CEOs, just heads of departments.

So, when it was time for my introduction, I said: "I'm Wdoodle of *** company." Ha! Apparently my name is BIG enough that I didn't need any corporate titles. Wdoodle, that name will suffice, thank you very much. :)

(P.s. I didn't put their real company names, obviously.)

"I am Invincible!"

"That jeep can't hit me, I'm too big!" I heard this line from a fairly large woman as she was crossing a street against the caution of her companion who was warning her about the larger on-coming public utility vehicle.

Why do pedestrians think that it's always the driver who should watch out. Haven't we been taught to look both ways before crossing the street? It's a responsibility of both pedestrian and driver, for their own and other people's safety. Even if the driver pays for the pedestrian's medical expenses, it will most probably leave a debilitating mark on the pedestrian. And that can't be erased with money.

Unless, of course, the norm nowadays is a teaching that between flesh and metal, flesh wins. An idea of invincibility. "I am invincible, nothing can do me harm! Come and test me, run me over!" Wouldn't that be "cool", NOT! Next thing you know, we'll be taught that we can fly: just flap your arms, chirp like bird, and off you go. :p

Thursday, October 4, 2007


Friends of mine asked me if I wanted to go to an outing next week, to sandy beaches and sparkling waters somewhere in the Visayas. I'm sort of "vacationing" right now for the past year or less, not exactly by choice though. So do you think I, or anyone for that matter, should take a vacation from a vacation? To unwind from the stresses of vacationing. ;-)

Friday, September 28, 2007

What 'really' happened at "m and ic"...

A few blokes commented that the "m and ic" reads too long and well, nevermind. Read below as to what "really" took place...

Na'am was walking on dirt road one time, and it didn't matter what he wore. He saw a soda can on the road, and kicked it hard! It went over an area of tall grass and hit an elderly fruit picker on the head. The other fruit pickers threw mangosteens at him. Satisfied with their rage, they went back to work.

Na'am saw the mangosteens strewn over the road and thought that this shouldn't go to waste. He was an opportunistic guy after all. He got out his 'Rambo'-knife and started slicing and eating the stuff. As he was greedily devouring the mangosteens, an ice cream guy happened to come near. He sees Na'am stuffing himself and holding a BIG knife and freaks out, shouting: "Take all of it, it's yours!", and runs for dear life. Na'am looks up and wondered what that was all about but he did hear something about "it's all yours." Cool, he thinks. He walks over to the ice cream cart, and eats all he can lay his eyes on. He sees an envelope stuffed with money, and nonchalantly pockets it.

And that, folks, is what 'really' happened.